creating varying ammount of series
March 13, 2010 10:49AM

I need to create a chart with varying amount of series (which are based of number of checkboxes selected). Problem is that if i try to use a cycle for series creation(commented text), chart creation fails ("Your browser does not support chart object" is shown). If i use manual input - meas_chart.setDataArray(chart_array[0]); and so on, graph is displayed correctly, but, of course, control on amount of series is lost. Is it possible to get a workaround for this problem?



was stuck on this problem for few days only to miss an illegal variable declaration eye rolling smiley

<div id="chartcontainer">Your browser does not suport chart object</div>
    <script type="text/javascript">
	var meas_chart = new JSChart('chartcontainer', 'line');
	//for(var q = 0;q<k;q++)
	//	meas_chart.setDataArray(chart_array[q]);		
//	}

Edited 2 time(s). Last edit at 03/13/2010 10:55AM by Baka.
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