Setting Colors on line Charts
September 24, 2010 10:40AM

Feel I must be doing something wrong. But cannot see it.

Trying to set line color for three different lines using XML input

I have

<div id="graph">Loading graph...</div>

<script type="text/javascript">

var myChart = new JSChart('graph', 'line');

myChart.setDataXML('MMS--in.xml','first line');
myChart.setLineColor('#ff0000','first line');

myChart.setDataXML('MMS--out.xml','second line');
myChart.setLineColor('#00ff00','second line');

myChart.setDataXML('MMS--outstanding.xml','third line');
myChart.setLineColor('#0000ff','third line');



It picks up the line color for first line, but then just uses default for second and third lines.

I have change to an array and this works.

Does the Xml Data set need to have "first line" , "second line" ,"third line" set any where.

At the moment just

<?xml version="1.0"?>
<dataset type="line">
<data unit="201002" value="7"/>
<data unit="201003" value="10"/>

Look foward to any respone

Re: Setting Colors on line Charts
October 20, 2010 02:50PM

I am struggling with this same thing, I am trying to set different colors for my line datasets. A slight difference is that I am only sing 1 xml file, and I have multiple datasets defined in my xml file. Were you able to identify how to set different line colors through the xml file? Thank you for your help!

Re: Setting Colors on line Charts
November 03, 2010 02:52PM
No, waiting for help.

Works okay if using an array, but make coding harder for daily reporting.
Generally seems to be same issue
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